Monday, July 28, 2014

Random Thoughts

  • Im hungry but im not in the mood to eat
  • I cant stand the voice of father saying non sense things and I hate his attitude that he thinks he is better than everybody. I hate it when he argue with my mom and tell her that she in worthless
  • I wish that my mom divorce my father a long time ago, life would have been better for both of us
  • I hate that as of now I dont have the physical strength to find a job
  • I hate that I no longer have the savings to support this family
  • I wish I could turn back time so I can change somethings about me
  • I hate that I am hating right now
  • I hate that I always feel weak and dizzy
  • I hate that as of now I haven't had my treatment
  • I hate that my nose have rashes again
  • I hate that I cold and cough
Dear Papa God, help me get rid all this hatred in me. help me see the good in things. Help me to be more understanding and give me all the patient I need to survive.

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