Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It's July!

Happy Birthday Dad!

For my first entry this July I would like to start off by Greeting my Dad a Happy Birthday! I know you don’t know about this blog but I want you to know that even though your not the perfect dad for me and even though I hate your attitude sometimes, your still my dad and I love and care for you! Thank you for taking care of our family. My wish to you is that you have more birthdays to come and stay healthy.

I am very optimistic that this month will be a good month for me. I know I will be able to get back on my feet again and regain the strength that I lost. I learned that the most important of all is your health, its hard if you are sick all the time, I don’t want to be hospitalized again or experience a super high fever that will make you feel miserable and you will just wish that you die instead of feeling that way. I know I did some stupid things in the past that’s why I am on this position but I have a choice to change it, and I choose to be healthy. I know money is important but my health is MORE important than anything else.

So my action plan to be healthy is that I will try to go back on exercising or I will just go with my dad for an early morning jog, if time will permit I want to go back and workout again.

My next action plan is to find a job that is just near to my place, mas madali kasi at less hassle,  if only BCC don’t have that much paper work maybe I will consider going back to teaching… … … but no haha there is a fun side in teaching but most of the time its paper work so…No! haha

So that’s it for now
Yuri xoxo

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