Thursday, July 24, 2014

High Blood

Its been 4 days now and my dad is still in the hospital due to high blood. I have to postpone my appointment for my treatment because of what happen. I am the only on in the family who can be with my dad in times like this. Its hard because even if I feel weak at times I have to be strong. I have no one who I can ask for help. The only thing that I am thankful is that even if my immune system is weak and most of the time I am in the hospital that I am not acquiring any sickness from the other patients, I always see to it that before I enter the hospital that I have my face mask on. Anyway I hope my dad cooperate with the procedure because he is very hard headed and I no longer have the budget to support him if he will stay longer in the hospital because he is not cooperating.
2nd day on the hospital
and some other people who are sick as well ^_^

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